
Rahel Romahn

Find Rahel Romahn movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for Streets of Colour

Streets of Colour

103 mins100%
After being blamed for the death of...
After being blamed for the death of his best friend in a racist street fight, Tez, a 25-year-old drug dealer with a cultural identity complex loses custody of his son. Battling a drug addiction and coming to terms with losing his friend, he’ll need to clean himself up fast before his son is taken away forever.
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Poster for Down Under

Down Under

MA15+88 mins|65%55%
Australian black comedy, set during the aftermath...
Australian black comedy, set during the aftermath of the Cronulla riots, follows two carloads of hotheads from both sides of the fight destined to collide...
  • Stan
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Poster for Alex & Eve

Alex & Eve

M87 mins|82%60%
Australian culture-clash rom-com following Alex, a Greek...
Australian culture-clash rom-com following Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, who falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families... Based on the hit play by Alex Lykos.
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