Richard O'Brien

Find Richard O'Brien movies and shows streaming in Australia

Poster for The Stolen

The Stolen

M98 mins|17%25%
Alice Eve (Star Trek: Into Darkness) is...
Alice Eve (Star Trek: Into Darkness) is a widow searching for her kidnapped son in this Western set in 1860 New Zealand. Co-stars Stan Walker.
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Poster for The Last Impresario

The Last Impresario

M85 mins|94%44%
Documentary biopic on Michael White, the British...
Documentary biopic on Michael White, the British playboy, bon vivant and producer whose output in the 1970s influenced a cultural transformation in London. Features a cast of admirers including Kate Moss, Yoko Ono, Anna Wintour, John Cleese and John Waters...
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Poster for The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

M100 mins|80%85%
Richard O'Brien's brilliantly bizarre story of creation,...
Richard O'Brien's brilliantly bizarre story of creation, love, hate, adventure, and, most of all, sex. A young couple stumble upon a Transylvanian house party in this 1975 classic, based on O'Brien's stage musical.
Poster for Dark City

Dark City

M100 mins|76%85%
Alex Proyas's sci-fi mystery classic, starring Rufus...
Alex Proyas's sci-fi mystery classic, starring Rufus Sewell, Kiefer Sutherland and Jennifer Connelly. A man struggles with memories of his past, including a wife he cannot remember, in a nightmarish world with no sun and run by beings with telekinetic powers who bend humans to their whim.
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