The Third Wife

96 mins
Poster for The Third Wife

A fourteen-year-old in 19th-century, rural Vietnam is forced to marry a wealthy landowner in this award-winning Vietnamese drama.

"Mayfair’s dreamlike feminist... More

Where to watch The Third Wife

The Third Wife is available to stream in Australia now... More on Google TV and Foxtel and Vimeo On Demand and Binge and SBS On Demand and Ritz at Home.

The Third Wife | Ratings & Reviews

"A quietly gripping, thoughtfully sensual and culturally specific tale of womanhood in all its complications."

New Zealand ListenerNew Zealand Listener

"This is a gorgeously shot, yet unflinching (although not prurient) look at a young woman attempting to survive and thrive in difficult and repressive conditions. It's a film that is more Pretty Baby than Memoirs of a Geisha – and all the better for it."


"Nguyen is entrancing in the title role, carrying the full weight of the production on her slight shoulders, as she evolves from naive waif to erudite young mother before our eyes."

South China Morning PostSouth China Morning Post

"The Third Wife is more or less upfront about the element of sado-masochistic fantasy built into the scenario, oddly fused with the charm of a rural idyll."

The AgeThe Age

"Gently dipping us into the long ago and far away past, Ash Mayfair's directorial debut brings an intimate immediacy to the re-creation of rural Vietnam in the late 19th century."


"The movie is... trapped in the same claustrophobia it depicts, unsure of how much it can or wants to get away with."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"The almost entirely female cast is captivating throughout."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"There is much that is finely wrought here as a tactile slice of women's history told in careful observances, hidden textures and the sights and sounds of nature unbound."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"An audience-friendly affair which deals with harrowing subject-matter in restrained, tactful and aesthetically entrancing style..."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

The Third Wife | Details

Award winner
Winner of the NETPAC Award (Mayfair), 2018 Toronto International Film Festival
MA15+, Strong themes and sex scenes
Country of origin

The Third Wife | Trailers