Matthew Newton

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Poster for Ava


R1397 mins|20%29%
Jessica Chastain plays a black ops assassin in...
Jessica Chastain plays a black ops assassin in this action thriller from the director of The Girl on the Train. Co-stars Colin Farrell, Geena Davis, Common and John Malkovich.
Poster for Queen of the Damned

Queen of the Damned

M101 mins|17%66%
The great Aaliyah is the Queen of...
The great Aaliyah is the Queen of the Vampires and the Damned in this 2002 fantasy horror based on the novels The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. 
  • Apple TV Store
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Poster for Body Melt

Body Melt

MA15+81 mins|100%31%
Residents of a peaceful town are being...
Residents of a peaceful town are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new drug that causes rapid body decomposition in this Australian horror-comedy.
  • Apple TV Store
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  • Brollie
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