119 mins
Poster for 1917

Two young British soldiers attempt to deliver a message that could save 1,600 men in this continuous-shot WWI drama from... More

Where to watch 1917

1917 is available to stream in Australia now on YouTube... More and Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store.

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1917 | Ratings & Reviews

"1917 works fantastically as a pulse-pounding thriller set against the backdrop of the end of WWI. Technically, it’s absolutely extraordinary, but it says very little about the war itself, or war in general, or much at all, which is a missed opportunity."


"Might just be the most captivating and intense war film you've seen in decades."

Film School RejectsFilm School Rejects

"A highly convincing welter of dirt, exhaustion, and decay..."

The New YorkerThe New Yorker

"One of the best war films of all time..."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"More filmmaking stunt than movie..."


"Surrounds the viewer in the urgent firsthand experience."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"Turns one of the most catastrophic episodes in modern times into an exercise in preening showmanship."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Like watching someone else playing a video game for two solid hours..."


"(1917) lacks the emotional punch this story requires to make it a lasting impact."


"Unfolds with considerable sensitivity, offering plenty of haunting images while capturing the chaos and fear of trench warfare..."


"Tense, exhilarating and profoundly moving."


"An immersive war film that's low on plot but high on blistering action."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"One leaves the cinema feeling the story in the gut."

The Straits TimesThe Straits Times

"1917 is wildly cinematic, a movie that makes you feel the breath of mortality on your neck."

Financial TimesFinancial Times

"A slice of prestige British film-making that nimbly avoids accusations of heritage cosiness."

The Irish TimesThe Irish Times

"Nothing short of heart-stopping, head-expanding and torridly affecting cinema."

Herald SunHerald Sun

"At the same time exhilarating, nerve-racking and inspirational."

The AustralianThe Australian

"Thematically, 1917 is disappointingly shallow, but technically, it is undeniably impressive."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"A stunning film, fully deserving of all the gongs that will end up on the already-crowded Mendes mantelpiece."

Daily MailDaily Mail

"The horrors of war are driven home with urgent kinetic intimacy... It's hard to watch, but it feels important that we do."


"It's an immersive, visceral and meticulously crafted film that has the emotional stakes to match."


"1917 is tense, captivating, meticulous, horrifying and stirring - an exceptional achievement in filmmaking."

Times of IndiaTimes of India

"Inspired by a tale of war his grandad had told him, Mendes co-wrote the story with rising-star screenwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns, a 31-year-old Scot with a deep interest in military history who has been touring European battlefields from a young age. Together, the pair have nailed that imperative for engaging war storytelling: an intimate story told within a grand and horrific context."

New Zealand ListenerNew Zealand Listener

"A triumph of style, and a beautiful looking film, it’s just a pity it didn’t have more to say."


"The experience of watching 1917 is enveloping, overwhelming, confronting. I've just spent two years studying the Western Front for a book, and this recreation is hard to fault – from the ramshackle British trenches to the precision-engineered German earthworks and deep dugouts that made them so immovable."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"A war film that will take you on both a physical and emotional journey, 1917 is likely to be remembered as one of the great movies of 2020."


"Astonishing as his filmmaking can be at times, it's Mendes' attention to character, more than the technique, that makes "1917" one of 2019's most impressive cinematic achievements."


"This is a protean display of virtuoso filmmaking, one that film aesthetes will wallow in but that even ordinary audiences will note and appreciate."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"An amazingly audacious film; as exciting as a heist movie, disturbing as a sci-fi nightmare."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"It may be a grandiose flourish, but you can't deny it makes for a startlingly literal theater of war."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"A visceral World War I movie that is both technically masterful and emotionally devastating. It's easily the best film of Mendes' career."

South China Morning PostSouth China Morning Post

"Although 1917's filmmaking very much brings attention to itself, it's an astonishing piece of filmmaking, portraying war with enormous panache. This is big-screen bravado, and then some."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"It's a staggering technical achievement, one that will see Roger Deakins retaining his unofficial Greatest Living Cinematographer crown."

Total FilmTotal Film

1917 | Details

Award winner
Best Cinematography, Visual Effects & Sound Mixing, Academy Awards 2020; Best Director & Motion Picture (Drama), Golden Globes 2020; Best Film, Director, Visual Effects, Cinematography, Production Design, Sound and Outstanding British Film, BAFTAs 2020
MA15+, Strong war themes
Drama, War
Country of origin