2 Guns

109 mins
Poster for 2 Guns

Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg star in this old-school actioner about two operatives who infiltrate a major drug ring, neither... More

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2 Guns | Ratings & Reviews

"2 Guns is that rare popcorn flick that succeeds at being fun and breezy, and features just enough twists to entertain without getting too complicated. Denzel Washington employs his usual effortless charisma, and Marky Mark slips into his usual role of  ‘man with muscles who doesn’t emote very well’ with ease. Well, that’s not entirely true - his character here is a smart-ass, a guy who's constantly cracking wise, which he doesn’t completely sell, but isn’t too distracting. It helps that he has Denzel to bounce off, and the banter between them proves to be good value."

Flicks, Tony StampFlicks

"Kormakur shows he knows his way around an action movie better than most, keeping the pace quick, the banter lively and the old-school, mostly CGI-free thrills delivering right on schedule."


"Washington and Wahlberg are an effective double act in an intermittently exciting thriller with more twists than it needs."

Total FilmTotal Film

"The headlights are on full beam but the engine is struggling in second gear."

Time OutTime Out

"A slick, slippery thriller that taps into the anarchic playfulness that made the best American action flicks of the 1980s and '90s pop."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Not much firepower."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Kormákur's directing style seems like a conscious corrective to the disorienting cutting and obvious CGI effects that have come to dominate Hollywood action films."

The DissolveThe Dissolve

"Charm makes up for ludicrous plotting in twist-heavy crime story."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"This does a serviceable job homaging '80s actioners but not a whole lot more. Go for the explosions, zone out for the plot."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

2 Guns | Details

MA15+, Strong violence
Country of origin