Bittersweet Australian indie drama, a winner at both Sundance and Berlin Film Festivals in 2014. 16-year-old Billie (newcomer Tilda Cobham-Hervey)...
Bittersweet Australian indie drama, a winner at both Sundance and Berlin Film Festivals in 2014. 16-year-old Billie (newcomer Tilda Cobham-Hervey) comes of age at an accelerated rate when her mother reveals plans to change gender. From Adelaide director Sophie Hyde, her fictional debut having previously made dance documentary Life in Movement. Hyde shot the film strictly over 52 consecutive Tuesdays, to capture a year of life onscreen.
"Billie is blindsided by the news that her mother is planning to transition from female to male and that, during this time, Billie will live at her father’s house. Billie and her mother have always been extremely close, so the two make an agreement they will meet every Tuesday during their year apart. As her mother transitions and becomes less emotionally available, Billie covertly explores her own identity and sexuality with two older schoolmates, testing the limits of her own power, desire, and independence." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch 52 Tuesdays
52 Tuesdays | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Directing Award (World Cinema, Dramatic) at Sundance FIlm Festival 2014; Winner Crystal Bear (Generation 14plus, Best Film) at Berlin Film Festival 2014
- Rating
- MA15+,
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia