French animated (hand-drawn) action-adventure, set to a "moody retro jazz score" about Dino the cat and his contrasting friendships with...
French animated (hand-drawn) action-adventure, set to a "moody retro jazz score" about Dino the cat and his contrasting friendships with a stealthy cat burglar and his owner, Paris’ police commissioner.
"Dino the cat has two lives – that we know of. During the day he’s best friend (and lizard catcher) to Zoé who lives with her mother Jeanne and nanny Claudine. Jeanne is the Paris Police Commissioner, which makes her a distracted mother, not least because she’s on the trail of gang boss Victor Costa who murdered Zoé’s dad. At night, Dino plays stealthy companion to cat burglar Nico, a daring Robin Hood of the rooftops. When Dino and Nico get caught up with the Costa gang, it takes the cat to put one and one together and purrsuade Jeanne and Zoé that the good-hearted crook is ideally placed to help them." (Source: NZ International Film Festival 2011)
Where to watch A Cat in Paris
A Cat in Paris | Details
- Rating
- PG, Mild themes and violence
- Runtime
- 65
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Belgium, France, Switzerland, Netherlands