A winner at Monster Fest 2016, this confined horror follows a desperate woman and a hired occultist who demands she...
A winner at Monster Fest 2016, this confined horror follows a desperate woman and a hired occultist who demands she does everything he says in order to correctly perform a dangerous ritual.
Sophia is grief-stricken and overwhelmed with sadness since the untimely death of her young son. In a desperate attempt to achieve some form of closure, she reaches out to Solomon, an occultist with experience in an ancient invocation ritual that Sophia believes will allow her to make contact with her deceased child. Locked away in a remote country house, the pair undergo a long and arduous ritual, risking both their mental and physical safety as they attempt to access a world beyond their understanding.
Where to watch A Dark Song
A Dark Song | Details
- Genre
- Drama, Horror
- Country of origin
- Ireland, UK