"Based on the popular novel by Melania Mazzucco, A Perfect Day is a stirring film from celebrated director Ferzan Ozpetek that...
"Based on the popular novel by Melania Mazzucco, A Perfect Day is a stirring film from celebrated director Ferzan Ozpetek that captures the 24 hours in the lead up to the moment the lives of a group of people become irreversibly intertwined.
"Antonio (Valerio Mastandrea) is a bodyguard. He refuses to accept that his marriage to Emma (Isabella Ferrari, Her Whole Life Ahead) is over. Their two children welcome reconciliation but Emma knows this can never be. Meanwhile, his boss, MP Fioravanti (Valerio Binasco), tries frantically to salvage his political career, unaware that he is destroying his personal life. Then there is Mara, a lonely and complicated teacher who re-discovers her long lost love.
"Woven against the frenetic backdrop of Rome, their stories inspire a compelling contemporary mixture of love and politics. Ozpetek, a master of subtle and involving ensemble drama, constructs a sensitive atmosphere that touches tenderly on the characters' emotions whilst inexorably building the suspense to a shattering, powerful denouement." (Italian Film Festival)
Where to watch A Perfect Day (Un Giorno Perfetto)
A Perfect Day (Un Giorno Perfetto) | Details
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Italy