This documentary follows an audacious experiment: pay a 21-year-old who has never been to theatre to watch and review every...
This documentary follows an audacious experiment: pay a 21-year-old who has never been to theatre to watch and review every Estonian production of 2018.
From director Marta Pulk: "Estonia is crazy about theater. In October 2017 there's an announcement for a paid position to find someone who has never been to theatre before. The task - to watch and review every Estonian theater production of 2018. From 450 job applicants 21-year-old small town girl Alissija is hired. Coming from the periphery and a Russian-speaking family, she knows nothing about performing arts, actors, nor has ever been to any of the theater houses. To make the job logistically possible, she has to move to the capital of Tallinn. Months pass and there are shows that inspire and many more that bring despair. As her view of the world starts to expand, Alissija has to face traumas of the past to redefine herself and a future worth surviving for. Putting the main character through 224 shows in 365 days, "A Year Full of Drama" serves as a true coming of age..."
A Year Full of Drama | Details
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Estonia