A young African boy traverses the dangers of World War One in order to find his brother in this French...
A young African boy traverses the dangers of World War One in order to find his brother in this French animated tale.
"Twelve-year-old Adama lives in a remote village in Western Africa. Beyond the cliffs, the World of Breaths can be found, where the Nassaras reign. One night, Samba, his older brother, disappears. Defying the laws of the elders, Adama decides to set out to find him. With the unwavering determination of a child becoming a man, Adama launches into a quest that will take him beyond the seas, to the North, to the front lines of World War One. Ultimately, Adama’s love for his brother will open an unexpected way to his initiatory journey." (Alliance Française French Film Festival)
Adama | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 78
- Genre
- War
- Country of origin
- France