In this Australian indie horror, a young woman is shocked to discover that her father's new girlfriend looks identical to her...
In this Australian indie horror, a young woman is shocked to discover that her father's new girlfriend looks identical to her dead mother.
From writer-director Jack Dignan (in his feature debut), the film won both Best Australian Feature and Best Australian Feature Performance (Vanessa Madrid) at Australia’s A Night of Horror International Film Festival, as well as Best Horror Feature at the Cuzco Underground Cinema Festival. Liliana Ritchie co-stars.
'Jen’s mother is dead. Her relationship with her father, John, is fractured beyond repair. Her friends, all recent high school graduates, are moving on with their lives and leaving behind the small town they once called home. Jen is, in every sense of the word, alone. That is until John introduces Jen to his new girlfriend, Florence... a woman who looks and sounds identical to Jen’s dead mother.' (Official synopsis)
Where to watch After She Died
After She Died | Details
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Horror
- Country of origin
- Australia