Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi horror Alien receives a low-budget but serious stage adaptation from a group of Dorset Bus Drivers...
Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi horror Alien receives a low-budget but serious stage adaptation from a group of Dorset Bus Drivers in this year-in-the-making documentary.
This is a story about a unique crew of Dorset Bus Drivers whose amateur dramatics group decide to ditch doing another pantomime and try something different. They spent a year creating a serious adaptation of the sci-fi, horror film, Alien; finding ingenious solutions to pay homemade, homage to the original film. The show is a crushing flop but fate gives them a second chance to find their audience.
Whilst still adjusting to the idea that their serious show is actually a comedy, the group find out they’re suddenly being whisked from their village hall to a London West End theatre to perform this accidental masterpiece for one night only. With wobbly sets, awkward acting and special effects requiring 'more luck than judgement’, will their West End debut be alright on the night?
Alien on Stage | Details
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- UK