A young woman, on holiday with a group of friends, meets a strange woman who threatens to divide the group's...
A young woman, on holiday with a group of friends, meets a strange woman who threatens to divide the group's bonds of love and friendship.
India (Rebecca Montalti) travels back to her childhood home ‘Ambrosia’ to spend time with her brother, boyfriend and long time childhood friend. It’s a place of comfort and memories that she hopes will calm her anxious mind and ease the pain from a traumatic childhood accident. It is there that she meets a girl named Harry (Natasha Velkova), who before long has become part of India and her friends' endless summer. However, in the guise of friendship, Harry begins to test allegiances and unravel bonds, eventually forcing the group to confront the tragedies of the past and reveal long kept secrets.
Ambrosia (2015) | Details
- Runtime
- 79
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia