Emmy-winner Jeffrey Wright (Westworld) leads this Best Picture Oscar-nominated literary comedy as Monk, a frustrated novelist fed up with the...
Emmy-winner Jeffrey Wright (Westworld) leads this Best Picture Oscar-nominated literary comedy as Monk, a frustrated novelist fed up with the establishment profiting from “Black” entertainment that relies on tired and offensive tropes. To prove his point, Monk uses a pen name to write an outlandish “Black” book of his own, a book that propels him to the heart of hypocrisy and the madness he claims to disdain.
Where to watch American Fiction
American Fiction | Details
- Award winner
- Best Adapted Screenplay, Oscars 2024; Best Adapted Screenplay, BAFTAs 2024; People's Choice Award for Best Film, Toronto Film Festival 2023.
- Rating
- NR,
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin