Nostalgic comedy from producer Francis Ford Coppola (hot on the heels of The Godfather) and director George Lucas (his second...
Nostalgic comedy from producer Francis Ford Coppola (hot on the heels of The Godfather) and director George Lucas (his second film), following a group of Californian teenagers on the last night of summer 1962. Set against neon-lit suburbia and a rock-n-roll soundtrack, the gang are out to have a final night of fun before the responsibilities of adulthood set in. Stars Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss and Harrison Ford.
Nominated for five Oscars and winner of the Golden Globe for Best Film (Musical or Comedy), American Graffiti was the third highest grossing film of 1973 in the States (after The Exorcist and The Sting). Lucas' next film would be Star Wars.
Where to watch American Graffiti
American Graffiti | Details
- Award winner
- Best Film (Musical/Comedy) at the 1974 Golden Globes.
- Rating
- M, N/A
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin