In this Telugu-language action romcom written and directed by Sreenu Gavireddy (Seethamma Andalu Ramayya Sitralu) a young man tries to...
In this Telugu-language action romcom written and directed by Sreenu Gavireddy (Seethamma Andalu Ramayya Sitralu) a young man tries to reinvent himself with varying results.
At a young age Raju, a.k.a Bangaram, (Raj Tarun, Power Play) inherited his grandfather's fortune. Per his grandfather's wishes, he squanders it on a lavish lifestyle including rooster fights, gambling and alcohol and becomes the laughing stock of his village. His situation worsens when he then attempts to earn the respect of his peers. Following a stint in prison he finds work as a security guard and falls in love with Shruti (newcomer Kashish Khan).
Anubhavinchu Raja | Details
- Rating
- E,
- Runtime
- 140
- Genre
- Comedy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- India