The director of Forgetting Sarah Marshall brings Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne into this no-holds-barred neighbours-at-war comedy as a happily...
The director of Forgetting Sarah Marshall brings Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne into this no-holds-barred neighbours-at-war comedy as a happily married couple settling into parenthood, forced to confront the noisy douchebag fraternity that's moved in next door fronted by Zac Efron (and his abs). Co-starring Dave Franco, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Lisa Kudrow.
Mac (Rogen) and Kelly (Byrne) are doing their best to feel young, cool and spontaneous, even though having a baby has cramped their style. When a fraternity moves into the neighbourhood the couple fear the worst. Frat leaders Teddy (Efron) and Pete (Franco) make a good first impression, but the student's constant partying proves unbearable and a battle between neighbours commences.
Where to watch Bad Neighbours
Bad Neighbours | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong sexual references, sex scenes, coarse language, drug use and nudity
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin