In the cold, winter light of a rural Mississippi Delta township, a man’s suicide radically transforms three characters’ lives and...
In the cold, winter light of a rural Mississippi Delta township, a man’s suicide radically transforms three characters’ lives and throws off-balance what has long been a static arrangement among them.
Marlee is a single mother struggling to scratch a living for herself and James, her 12-year-old son, who has begun to stumble under drug and violence pressures. So when the opportunity to seek safe harbor at a new home arises, she grabs it, though the property is shared by Lawrence, a man with whom Marlee has feuded bitterly since James’s birth. With circumstances thrusting them into proximity, a subtle interdependence and common purpose emerge for Marlee and Lawrence as they navigate grief, test new waters, and tentatively move forward. [Official synopsis]
Ballast | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Cinematography and Directing awards at Sundance 2008.
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Country of origin