Documentary following acclaimed Danish architect Bjarke Ingels as he embarks on his most ambitious project yet, NYC's new World Trade...
Documentary following acclaimed Danish architect Bjarke Ingels as he embarks on his most ambitious project yet, NYC's new World Trade Center.
"As a kid, Ingels considered the flat roof on his parents' house to be a waste of space - with considerable potential. His attitude to urban design was clearly in place from the start. Ingels's projects in his homeland (VM Houses, Mountain Dwellings and 8 House) gained him international acclaim, with their focus on liveability and renewables. His tradition-defying and wholehearted approach – "there is nothing more amazing than building buildings" – secured him his largest project yet, the new World Trade Center. Ingels, tagged "one of the design world's biggest stars" by The Wall Street Journal, relocates half his company to NYC. Award winning artist-director Schröder captures the acceleration in Ingels' already hectic life, and the architect's struggles to balance ambition, health and relationships." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Big Time
Big Time | Details
- Rating
- M, Coarse language
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Denmark