Black Christmas (2019)

92 mins
Poster for Black Christmas (2019)

Imogen Poots stars in this Blumhouse remake of the 1974 Canadian slasher flick. Shot at the University of Otago in... More

Where to watch Black Christmas (2019)

Black Christmas (2019) is available to stream in Australia now... More on YouTube and Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

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Black Christmas (2019) | Ratings & Reviews

"Naturally, qualms are raised about the dubious reputation of the university’s 19th-century founder ('He owned slaves – in the North!'). Naturally, too, there are protests afoot against the resident conservative literature professor (Cary Elwes), an amalgam of culture warrior Jordan Peterson and Giles from Buffy who quotes Camille Paglia and smirkingly defends his choice to teach an all-male canon. All this threatens to veer towards the heavy-handed, but there's enough wit to make it work."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"But if the 2019 "Black Christmas" is not nearly as chilling as the original, it is genuinely barbed as gender satire, and it cleverly pre-empts obvious outrage."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Blended brilliantly, this remake of Black Christmas makes for holiday horror that's a tantalising and terrifying treat."


"Blended brilliantly, this remake of Black Christmas makes for holiday horror that's a tantalising and terrifying treat."


"[Black Christmas] mostly feels personal and urgent thanks to some atmospheric scare scenes and some sharp dialogue that reflect the world outside the movie theatre in ways that most other studio-distributed horror films don't."

"It's a movie made for a syllabus, not to entertain."

Time OutTime Out

"The second attempt to resurrect the 1974 campus-set horror is a well-intentioned yet ultimately unconvincing modernisation."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Unfortunately, Takal's Black Christmas is far more ordinary, a blunt object in a fight demanding either sharp knives or explosives."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"An innovative if at times crudely diverting fright flick in which the heroines, and the villains as well, are all playing their part in a larger scheme."


Black Christmas (2019) | Details

M, Horror themes, violence and coarse language
Country of origin

Black Christmas (2019) | Trailers