Billed as a 'psychological thriller', this documentary explores the story of Tilikum - a killer whale, kept in captivity at...
Billed as a 'psychological thriller', this documentary explores the story of Tilikum - a killer whale, kept in captivity at SeaWorld Orlando, who has been involved in the death of three people. What are the consequences of keeping intelligent and sentient creatures in captivity?
"Many of us have experienced the excitement and awe of watching 8,000-pound orcas, or 'killer whales,' soar out of the water and fly through the air at sea parks, as if in perfect harmony with their trainers. Yet, in our contemporary lore this mighty black-and-white mammal is like a two-faced Janus - beloved as a majestic, friendly giant yet infamous for its capacity to kill viciously. Blackfish unravels the complexities of this dichotomy, employing the story of notorious performing whale Tilikum, who- unlike any orca in the wild - has taken the lives of several people while in captivity. So what exactly went wrong?
"Shocking, never-before-seen footage and interviews with trainers and experts manifest the orca’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity over the last four decades, and the growing disillusionment of workers who were misled and endangered by the highly profitable sea-park industry." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Blackfish
Blackfish | Details
- Rating
- M, Mature themes and actual animal attacks
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Documentary, Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin