Adeline D’Hermy (Camille Rewinds) is a wannabe actress who follows her dreams and moves to Paris in this drama written...
Adeline D’Hermy (Camille Rewinds) is a wannabe actress who follows her dreams and moves to Paris in this drama written and directed by Guillaume Gallienne (Me, Myself and Mum).
"D’Hermy is Maryline, an actress arriving in Paris from a small French village, hopeful of finding her place as a star of the screen. But Maryline has some behavioural problems that cause her to lose her cool in front of the camera and struggle with her personal relationships. Consequently, her life becomes one of a labourer and a lush. Then Maryline meets a kindly film director (Xavier Beauvois, Farewell, My Queen) and, with some help from his lead actress (Vanessa Paradis), this troubled soul discovers her true calling, although it is not entirely what she expected it to be." (Alliance Française)
Bright Weakness (Maryline) | Details
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France, Belgium