
90 mins
Poster for Brightburn

Superhero/horror genre mash-up shows what might have happened if a Superman-like 12-year-old actually turned out to be violently evil. Produced... More

Where to watch Brightburn

Brightburn is available to stream in Australia now on YouTube... More and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

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Brightburn | Ratings & Reviews

"What are the most effective parental techniques to deal with the realisation that your child is the spawn of Satan? That is the $64,000 question at the heart of every 'they didn't put Lucifer impregnating me on the brochure' film, from the crib in Rosemary’s Baby to the crossbow massacre scene in Let’s Talk About Kevin. It is also a core question in Brightburn, which swaps the devil’s jizz for Superman’s in service of a curious experiment in genre recalibration and expectation realignment."

Flicks, Luke BuckmasterFlicks

"In this superhero horror produced by James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) and starring Elizabeth Banks, an alien child crash lands on Earth. But instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proves to be something far more sinister."

Flicks, Steve NewallFlicks

"The premise isn't bad, even if the evil-Superman origin story was done better in "Chronicle." The execution, however, is lacking, particularly in freshness, humour or style."


"What makes "Brightburn" a little better than average is the time it spends observing Brandon with Tori and Kyle, his loving, increasingly alarmed mom and dad, who are played with excellent game faces by Elizabeth Banks and David Denman."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Brightburn risks falling into the all-too-familiar creepy kid horror formula but there's just about enough to distinguish it from that ever-expanding subgenre..."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"While certainly not a bad movie, I was left feeling disappointed that Brightburn has simply turned out to be a dullish entry in the demonic child genre."


"Several visuals - and the accompanying crunches and gurgles - will make appearances in my nightmares."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"While not exactly original, the premise is certainly effective enough. But Brightburn lacks the visual stylisation or wit to elevate it from the realm of the crudely effective B-movie."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"... manages to keep the tension high and really delivers on the squirmy gore when needed."


Brightburn | Details

MA15+, Strong horror themes and violence
Horror, Science Fiction
Country of origin