Based on the 2008 novel, in turn inspired by To Kill A Mockingbird, this British coming-of-age drama stars Tim Roth...
Based on the 2008 novel, in turn inspired by To Kill A Mockingbird, this British coming-of-age drama stars Tim Roth as the father of 11-year-old Skunk, a girl who witnesses her neighbour viciously beating one of her few friends. The violent attack changes the girl, affecting her father, her caregiver and her caregiver’s ex-partner (Cillian Murphy), who is also Skunk’s favourite teacher. Winner of Best Film at British Independent Awards 2012.
Where to watch Broken (2012)
Broken (2012) | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong themes, coarse language and sex scene
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- UK