Spanish master filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar directs a tale that unfolds in two periods: flashing back and forth between the present...
Spanish master filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar directs a tale that unfolds in two periods: flashing back and forth between the present day and 1994. Lluís Homar plays Mateo, a former film director who lost his sight in a car crash. Now he writes screenplays under his pen name ‘Harry Caine’. A newspaper obituary of a shady financier, Ernesto Martel, triggers memories of his movie-making career in the 90s: Martel bankrolled Mateo's final movie on condition that his mistress (Penélope Cruz) was given the lead.
Where to watch Broken Embraces (Los abrazos rotos)
Broken Embraces (Los abrazos rotos) | Details
- Runtime
- 128
- Genre
- Drama, Romance, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Spain