The director of Attack on Titan helms this boy-meets-girl anime feature set in a rundown Tokyo where gravity's broken and strange...
The director of Attack on Titan helms this boy-meets-girl anime feature set in a rundown Tokyo where gravity's broken and strange bubbles rain down onto the world.
Tokyo has become a playground for a group of young people who have lost their families, acting as a battlefield for parkour team battles as they leap from building to building. Hibiki, a young ace known for his dangerous play style, makes a reckless move one day and plummets into the gravity-bending sea. His life is saved by Uta, a girl with mysterious powers. The pair then hear a unique sound audible only to them. Why did Uta appear before Hibiki? Their encounter leads to a revelation that will change the world.
Where to watch Bubble (2022)
Bubble (2022) | Details
- Rating
- M, blood and gore, science fiction themes, nudity
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Japan
- Studio
- Netflix Original