Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson is the new Captain America in the thirty-sixth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed by Julius...
Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson is the new Captain America in the thirty-sixth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed by Julius Onah (Luce) and co-starring Giancarlo Esposito, Harrison Ford, Danny Ramirez (Top Gun: Maverick) and Shira Haas (Bodies). After meeting with newly elected U.S. President Thaddeus Ross (Ford), Sam finds himself in the middle of an international incident. He must discover the reason behind a nefarious global plot before the true mastermind has the entire world seeing red.
Where to watch Captain America: Brave New World
Captain America: Brave New World | Details
- Rating
- CTC,
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Studio
- Marvel