
121 mins
Poster for Chappie

Oscar-nominated writer-director Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) helms this sci-fi biopic of a “new-born” robot, observing a near-future Earth as... More

Where to watch Chappie

Chappie is available to stream in Australia now on YouTube... More and Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Foxtel and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

Chappie | Ratings & Reviews

"Within the first five minutes of Chappie, director Neill Blomkamp has already borrowed extensively from his own scant two film career (and genre classic RoboCop) as a documentary-style introduction is followed by private policing robots rolling out onto the violent streets of Johannesburg. It’s so obvious that in anyone else’s hands it’d be called plagiarism, in Blomkamp’s “lazy-ism” may be a better description, one that infuses much of his film."

Flicks, Steve NewallFlicks

"Winds up feeling as clunky and confused as the childlike droid with which it shares its name."


"Like its title character, Chappie is stunning to behold and easy to like, but it’s still some way from fully developed."

Total FilmTotal Film

"This hugely entertaining oddity could never be mistaken for the work of any other filmmaker."

Time OutTime Out

"It’s a brawny, inventive action romp that’s as happy firing rockets at helicopters as it is contemplating the Cartesian model of mind-body dualism."

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

"Chappie is a broad, brash picture, which does not allow itself to get bogged down in arguing about whether or not “artificial intelligence” is possible. It has subversive energy and fun."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Chappie’s biggest problem is the degree to which it echoes other films..."

The DissolveThe Dissolve

"Chappie is a further downward step for director Neill Blomkamp."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Blomkamp’s third movie has just about enough spectacle and quirk to overcome some fairly major flaws, not least of which is an unappealing central trio."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Chappie | Details

MA15+, Strong violence and coarse language
Action, Science Fiction
Country of origin