Charlie Wilson's War

101 mins
Poster for Charlie Wilson's War

A comedy/drama based on the true story of Texan congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, directed by veteran Mike... More

Where to watch Charlie Wilson's War

Charlie Wilson's War is available to stream in Australia now... More on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

Charlie Wilson's War | Ratings & Reviews

"Not your average Beltway drama. Robert McNamara summed it up best: "Cold war? Hell, it was a hot war!" If you want a visceral illustration of the disparities explored in Charlie Wilson's War, you could do a lot worse than that gulf between cold – functional handshakes, photo-op smiles – and hot."

Flicks, TeamFlicks

"Charlie Wilson's War is that rare Hollywood commodity these days: a smart, sophisticated entertainment for grownups."


"To paraphrase Ronald Reagan's immortal words: there they go again. Another deeply muddled, fence-sitting, obtuse Hollywood picture about American politics, excruciatingly unsure whether to crack wise satirically, or go into a glassy-eyed patriotic celebration. It's a comedy, but with a persistent ring of phoniness and unfunniness."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"If it sounds far-fetched, director Mike Nichols' claim that Wilson and co's efforts led to the downfall of the Soviet Union is even more implausible. However, it does make for a classic "against the odds" story that elevates the spirit. Hanks, Roberts and Hoffman are clearly having fun. Hoffman, in particular, turns in another scene-stealing performance as the CIA agent..."

Sunday Star-TimesSunday Star-Times

"Somehow a chunk of history has been boiled down to a ninety-seven-minute movie that skims when you want it to skewer."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Charlie Wilson's War is an anachronism, the wrong movie at the wrong time. Not only does it tell its tale in a style that feels dated and artificial, the story itself focuses on events that history has overtaken."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Extremely enjoyable. Although it’s a little tonally unsure, whenever Hanks and Hoffman are on screen, any misgivings are forgiven."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Charlie Wilson's War boasts an impressive arsenal of wit, sophistication and scathing political commentary."


Charlie Wilson's War | Details

Action, Drama, True Story & Biography
Country of origin

Charlie Wilson's War | Trailers