A comedy/drama based on the true story of Texan congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, directed by veteran Mike...
A comedy/drama based on the true story of Texan congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, directed by veteran Mike Nichols (The Graduate). "Good-Time Charlie" Wilson (Tom Hanks), a flawed and fun-loving Congressman from East Texas, deftly operates the levers of power to channel money and weapons to the Mujahedin of Afghanistan following the Soviet invasion of their country in late 1979. Charlie finds assistance in the oddest of places - a renegade CIA agent; a Houston socialite; a Pakistani dictator; the Israelis who modify and manufacture Soviet weapons; and a multitude of women.
Where to watch Charlie Wilson's War
Charlie Wilson's War | Details
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Action, Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin