In this obscene black comedy - described by Variety as a "nasty piece of work" - a down-on-his-luck father (Pat...
In this obscene black comedy - described by Variety as a "nasty piece of work" - a down-on-his-luck father (Pat Healy, Compliance) accepts a series of increasingly insane challenges for cash in order to amuse a rich, twisted couple played by Anchorman's David Koechner and The Innkeepers' Sara Paxton. Winner of the Audience Award at SXSW Film Festival 2013.
Craig has a new baby, a ton of debt and, all of a sudden, no job. Drowning his sorrows in a dive bar one night, Craig meets Colin and Violet, a cashed-up couple who get Craig and his pal wasted and then begin offering them money in exchange for straight-forward tasks like playing darts, or insulting a drunk. The amounts of money on offer quickly escalate, as do the nature of the challenges themselves, becoming increasingly humiliating and eventually deeply disturbing.
Where to watch Cheap Thrills
Cheap Thrills | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of Audience Award, SXSW Film Festival.
- Rating
- R18+,
- Runtime
- 85
- Genre
- Comedy, Thriller
- Country of origin