Clive Owen is the reluctant protagonist in a grim near-future where no children have been born for many years. Directed...
Clive Owen is the reluctant protagonist in a grim near-future where no children have been born for many years. Directed by Alfonso Cuaron.
Set in a dystopian London, year 2027, the world is on the brink of collapse because no children have been born for 18 years (an occurance science can't explain). Following the miraculous discovery of a pregnant woman, London office worker Theo (Owen) is coaxed into protecting her by a politically radical ex-girlfriend. They attempt to escort the woman to a sanctuary at sea where her child's birth may help scientists save mankind. Soon though, Theo finds his life in danger from both government and revolutionaries.
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Children Of Men | Details
- Award winner
- Award for Outstanding Technical Contribution, Venice Film Festival 2006.
- Rating
- MA15+, for strong violence, language, some drug use and brief nudity
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Action, Drama, Science Fiction
- Country of origin