The cousin of a Swiss journalist who was found dead during the Yugoslav Wars helms this animated documentary exploring the...
The cousin of a Swiss journalist who was found dead during the Yugoslav Wars helms this animated documentary exploring the circumstances of his death. Nominated for three awards at Cannes, including the Golden Camera.
"Croatia, January 1992. In the midst of the Yugoslav Wars, Chris, a young Swiss journalist is found dead in mysterious circumstances. He was wearing the uniform of an international mercenary group. Anja Kofmel was his cousin. As a little girl, she used to admire this handsome young man; now a grown-up woman, she decides to investigate his story, trying to understand what really was the involvement of Chris in the conflict…" (Critics' Week, Cannes Film Festival)
Where to watch Chris the Swiss
Chris the Swiss | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Switzerland, Croatia, Finland, Germany