Wordwide hit and winner of the 1990 Oscar for Best Foreign film, this Italian comedy-drama follows a cinefile and his...
Wordwide hit and winner of the 1990 Oscar for Best Foreign film, this Italian comedy-drama follows a cinefile and his life-long love affair with the movies.
"The film divides into three parts, corresponding to the three ages of cineaste-hero Salvatore. As an adorable 10-year-old moppet (first-timer Salvatore Cascio), the boy sneaks into the parochial Paradise Cinema to watch a priest (Leopoldo Trieste) snip out all the kissing scenes. He worms his way into the heart of crusty peasant projectionist Alfredo (a well-balanced Philippe Noiret) who speaks in film dialog... Second part shows Salvatore as a teenager in love with a blond banker's daughter (Agnese Nano). Last is Salvatore as white-haired Jacques Perrin, now a famous film director. He returns to Sicily for Alfredo's funeral and finds his long lost love, now played by Brigitte Fossey." (Variety)
Where to watch Cinema Paradiso
Cinema Paradiso | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards and Golden Globes,1990. Winner of 5 major awards at the 19991 BAFTAs. Grand Prize of the Jury winner at Cannes 1989.
- Rating
- MA15+, for some sexuality
- Runtime
- 155
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Italy, France