A not-for-profit documentary. Kurt Kuenne's heartbreaking work begins as a loving scrapbook tribute to his murdered friend (and lead actor...
A not-for-profit documentary. Kurt Kuenne's heartbreaking work begins as a loving scrapbook tribute to his murdered friend (and lead actor in their home movies) Andrew Bagby, before careening into a harrowing true-crime drama that has reduced hardened festival patrons to tears.
Kuenne deftly wraps the memories of all those who loved Bagby into virtuoso montages intercut with bittersweet scenes from their home movies together. Dear Zachary's kicker is a real-life third act that is as unpredictable and tragic as any a screenwriter could ever conjure. A devastating documentary that takes viewers through an emotional spin cycle, from happiness to sorrow and finally, after they catch their breath, anger. [Ant Timpson, Incredibly Strange Festival 08]
Kuenne deftly wraps the memories of all those who loved Bagby into virtuoso montages intercut with bittersweet scenes from their home movies together. Dear Zachary's kicker is a real-life third act that is as unpredictable and tragic as any a screenwriter could ever conjure. A devastating documentary that takes viewers through an emotional spin cycle, from happiness to sorrow and finally, after they catch their breath, anger. [Ant Timpson, Incredibly Strange Festival 08]
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin