The Tarantino half of 'Grindhouse' which has been recut - to the chagrin of many - and released on...
The Tarantino half of 'Grindhouse' which has been recut - to the chagrin of many - and released on its own, after the double feature performed dismally in the US. (To find out more, read this article).The Rodriguez half, 'Planet Terror', is yet to be given a NZ release date.
'Death Proof' is Tarantino's big expensive homage to 70s, down and dirty exploitation flicks... or as Variety put it, exploitation culture "bites, kicks, slugs, blasts, smashes and cusses its way back to life". The girl power story follows Kurt Russell as a veteran stuntman and psycho Mike, who stalks and kills beautiful women with his car.
'Death Proof' is Tarantino's big expensive homage to 70s, down and dirty exploitation flicks... or as Variety put it, exploitation culture "bites, kicks, slugs, blasts, smashes and cusses its way back to life". The girl power story follows Kurt Russell as a veteran stuntman and psycho Mike, who stalks and kills beautiful women with his car.