Rosario Dawson plays Maya, a scholar student, who meets Jared (Faust) – an arrogant preppie type who resorts to brutally...
Rosario Dawson plays Maya, a scholar student, who meets Jared (Faust) – an arrogant preppie type who resorts to brutally raping Maya after she rejects him. Maya becomes the walking wounded, alienating everyone around her and withdrawing into herself. Then she meets DJ Adrian (Patrick), who introduces the club world to her. She rebuilds her confidence, and with it, a hard justice revenge strategy.
Directed by first timer Talia Lugacy, ‘Descent’ is said to be highly impressionistic, hard hitting and more the squeamish in during the violent scenes.
Directed by first timer Talia Lugacy, ‘Descent’ is said to be highly impressionistic, hard hitting and more the squeamish in during the violent scenes.
Descent (2007) | Details
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin