Tye Sheridan (Mud) leads this split-narrative thriller as a young man struggling to decide whether or not to kill his...
Tye Sheridan (Mud) leads this split-narrative thriller as a young man struggling to decide whether or not to kill his deceitful step-father. From the writer-director of the mind-warping Triangle, co-starring Emory Cohen (Brooklyn) and Bel Powley (Diary of a Teenage Girl).
Harper (Sheridan), a seemingly naive law student, obsesses over the idea that his shifty stepfather was involved in the devastating car crash that left his mother hospitalised and comatose. He drowns his suspicions in whiskey until he finds himself suddenly engrossed in conversation with volatile grifter Johnny (Cohen) and his stripper companion, Cherry (Powley). As daylight breaks and the haziness of promises made becomes clearer, how will Harper handle the repercussions (not to mention the violent duo on his doorstep)?
Where to watch Detour (2016)
Detour (2016) | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong themes
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Thriller
- Country of origin
- UK, South Africa