Australian black comedy, set during the aftermath of the Cronulla riots, follows two carloads of hotheads from both sides of...
Australian black comedy, set during the aftermath of the Cronulla riots, follows two carloads of hotheads from both sides of the fight destined to collide. Sincere, though misguided, intent gives way to farcical ineptitude as this tale of ignorance, fear and kebab-cravings unfolds.
Says writer-director Abe Forsythe, "There is nothing more satisfying than getting people to laugh at something they feel like they shouldn’t be laughing at. Comedy is the best way to say something meaningful."
Where to watch Down Under
Down Under | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong coarse language, themes, violence and a sex scene
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Australia