Faraway in a distant town, there was once a young man called Aditya. Brought up by a foster family, Aditya...
Faraway in a distant town, there was once a young man called Aditya. Brought up by a foster family, Aditya was unaware of his real identity and the destiny that awaited him. Ever since he was a child, a recurring nightmare haunted him. And when he woke up in fright, there was no one he could hold on to except for a magical blue rose petal that came wafting in the wind. Somewhere far from here, en evil Sorcerer, Riz Raizada, a descendant of the Asuras (the legendary demon) has become dangerously impatient in his thirst for the precious secret. The secret is the missing link in his grand plan of taking over the universe. To get to the secret, he'd have to defeat the Drona. And herein lay his problem. He didn't know who or where the Drona was! One sudden day Aditya and Riz came face to face and Riz immediately recognized him as the Drona. Aditya's destiny had caught up with him and his life was about to take him on a journey he had never imagined.
Where to watch Drona
Drona | Details
- Runtime
- 144
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Bollywood & Indian Cinema, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- India