David Lynch's sci-fi adventure based on Frank Herbert's futuristic novel, set in thousands of years time. Follows the quest of...
David Lynch's sci-fi adventure based on Frank Herbert's futuristic novel, set in thousands of years time. Follows the quest of an aristocratic heir (Kyle MacLachlan) as he leads his people against an evil galactic emperor and attempts to secure their freedom. Features a soundtrack by Toto as well as a supporting role played by The Police frontman Sting - trying to act while wearing some dreadful costumes.
Dune has an infamously long production history - beginning with attempts to start filming from 1971 - as chronicled in the documentary Jodorowsky's Dune. The film bombed at the box office, and Lynch distanced himself from the production, stating producers changed the film and removed his creative control. Various versions have been released over the years.