Doc exec-produced by Oscar-winner Alex Gibney detailing the remarkable aftermath of the rescue of a Cuban boy off the US...
Doc exec-produced by Oscar-winner Alex Gibney detailing the remarkable aftermath of the rescue of a Cuban boy off the US coast in 1999.
"Elián was just five years old when a Florida fisherman found him floating in an inner tube on Thanksgiving Day, 1999, the only survivor of a shipwreck. His mother (who drowned in the incident) didn't tell her ex-husband that she planned to abscond to the USA in a homemade boat. Elián's Miami-based relatives take him in, all the while providing the media unfettered access to their tiny charge. His father wants him back in Cuba; his cousins want him to stay in the land of opportunity. The debate escalates - priests, lawyers and politicians (in a crucial election year) from Gore to Castro, all get involved. The now-adult Elián comments, "what happened to me wasn't a movie, it was a true story", clearly demonstrating that truth is stranger than fiction." (Sydney Film Festival)
Elián | Details
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Ireland, USA