Short film directed by up-and-comer Michelle Savill and produced by Gaylene Preston, selected as a finalist in the New Zealand's...
Short film directed by up-and-comer Michelle Savill and produced by Gaylene Preston, selected as a finalist in the New Zealand's Best short film programme at the 2012 NZ International Film Festival.
Ellen is leaving because she can. She needs to find her sad-sack of a boyfriend, Hamish, a nice leaving gift to try and help the mutual break-up along. When Hamish jokingly suggests she get him a new girlfriend Ellen realises it's actually the perfect idea and sets out to find him the right girl. But when things start going better than expected Ellen starts to lose her nerve...
NZIFF Screening Times:
- Saturday 28 July, 6.30pm, Skycity Theatre
-Monday 30 July, 2.00pm Skycity Theatre
- Wednesday 1 August, 7.00pm, Paramount
-Thursday 2 August, 11.30am, Paramount
Ellen is Leaving | Details
- Genre
- Country of origin
- New Zealand