In this Korean thriller based on actual events, veteran chief police detective In-ho (Song Kang-ho, Parasite) receives a tip about...
In this Korean thriller based on actual events, veteran chief police detective In-ho (Song Kang-ho, Parasite) receives a tip about a man threatening a terrorist attack against a plane and discovers that the suspect has boarded flight no. KI501 to Hawaii.
Aerophobic Jae-hyuk (Lee Byung-hun, Squid Game) is booked on this flight along with his young daughter, but while at the airport, he's distracted by a menacing stranger. After takeoff, a man mysteriously dies on board, and hysteria quickly spreads. Hearing this news, Transport Minister Sook-hee (Jeon Do-yeon, Secret Sunshine) calls an emergency meeting to find a way to land the plane. Also stars K-pop singer and actor Im Si-Wan.
Emergency Declaration | Details
- Rating
- MA15+, Strong themes, blood and injury detail
- Runtime
- 141
- Genre
- Action, Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Korea (Republic of)