Labelled a “psychedelic melodrama” by its director, cinematic troublemaker Gaspar Noé (Irreversible), Enter the Void follows a young drug dealer...
Labelled a “psychedelic melodrama” by its director, cinematic troublemaker Gaspar Noé (Irreversible), Enter the Void follows a young drug dealer through a neon Tokyo and transcendent experiences both before and after his death.
Shot in a first-person perspective, Enter the Void unfolds over the shoulder of Oscar (Nathaniel Brown) and through his eyes as he navigates the seedy side of Tokyo. Oscar has intense drug experiences on DMT and travels through time and space after being shot by police, inspired by the teachings of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Still possessing a strong bond to his sister (Paz de la Huerta) after his ignoble shooting in a bathroom stall, Oscar relives their shared memories and watches over her from high above a trippy Tokyo as his soul embarks on his final journey.
Dividing critics and audiences, Enter the Void’s running time had to be reduced in the U.S. for contractual reasons. Noé’s solution was to simply remove a whole reel of film (around 17 minutes), saying none of this material was necessary for the film.
Enter the Void | Details
- Rating
- R18+, High impact sex scenes, themes and drug use
- Runtime
- 162
- Genre
- Drama, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- France, Germany, Italy, Canada