Animated family sci-fi about superstar alien explorer Scorch Supernova (voiced by Brendan Fraser) who embarks on an expedition to a...
Animated family sci-fi about superstar alien explorer Scorch Supernova (voiced by Brendan Fraser) who embarks on an expedition to a notoriously dangerous planet, only to be captured by the most feared creatures in the entire galaxy: the human race. With Scorch missing in action, it's up to his by-the-books brother Gary to rescue him from Area 51 and thwart a US military leader bent on galactic domination. Also features the vocal talents of Sarah Jessica Parker, William Shatner, Ricky Gervais, Jane Lynch and Jessica Alba.
Scorch is one of planet Baab's biggest superstars, a heroic explorer famous for his adventures on other planets. While he's the brawn, his brother Gary (Rob Corddry) is the brain, manning mission control and making sure everything goes smoothly. But when sibling rivalry gets the better of the pair and Scorch sets off for Earth without Gary's help, Baab's number one hero finds himself captured and locked up alongside other aliens in Area 51. With adventure-hungry son Kip goading him into action, Gary heads to Earth to rescue his brother. There he'll confront Area 51 boss Shanker (Shatner) to not only free Scorch but also stop Shanker getting his trigger-happy mitts on enough alien weaponry to rule the galaxy.
Where to watch Escape from Planet Earth
Escape from Planet Earth | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains mild animated violence
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Kids & Family, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- USA, Canada