After her father's death, a disillusioned waitress (Jay Anstey, Blood Drive) heads on a journey of self-discovery to Johannesburg. South...
After her father's death, a disillusioned waitress (Jay Anstey, Blood Drive) heads on a journey of self-discovery to Johannesburg. South African director Lwazi Mvusi's debut.
The death of Ella's (Anstey) alcoholic father leaves her with nothing but debt and the bitter memory of a complicated past. The re-emergence of her nomadic musician godfather, Neo, at her father’s cremation, gives Ella the opportunity to discover a better future for herself in Johannesburg. Neo agrees to drive Ella from Beaufort West to Johannesburg and along the way, he is forced to take some responsibility for someone other than himself, while Ella must confront her past instead of running from it.