Set in Odessa in 1979, this political thriller recreates the deep-freeze of the USSR at the peak of the Cold...
Set in Odessa in 1979, this political thriller recreates the deep-freeze of the USSR at the peak of the Cold War. Follows a pair of French cousins in their clandestine effort to reach out to the so-called "refuseniks" - Jews persecuted by the Soviet regime for wanting to leave the country.
Carole and Jerome are cousins but pretend they're engaged. In the day they visit monuments and museums. In the evening, they slip away to secretly meet the refuseniks and discover a cruel and absurd underground world. While Carole is motivated by political commitment and a taste for risk, for Jerome, the real motivation behind this trip is Carole.
Where to watch Friends from France
Friends from France | Details
- Rating
- R18+,
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- France, Russia, Canada, Germany