A comedy spun out of equal parts folk tale and real-life legend, set in 1930s Tennessee, about a feared backwoods...
A comedy spun out of equal parts folk tale and real-life legend, set in 1930s Tennessee, about a feared backwoods recluse known as Felix Bush (a fantastically bearded Robert Duvall), who wants to hold a funeral for himself while he is still alive.
Sensing a big payday in the offing, fast-talking funeral home owner Frank (Bill Murray) enlists his gentlemanly young apprentice, Buddy (Lucas Black), to win over Felix’s business. Buddy is no stranger to Felix’s dark reputation, but what he discovers is that behind Felix’s surreal plan lies a very real and long-held secret that must get out.
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- Runtime
- 114
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- USA, Germany, Poland